If you are making a payment as a result of receiving a Red Tag which provides a 48-hour disconnection notice, the amount shown on PSN may not reflect the entire balance due to remain connected. You must call City Hall at 712-943-4244 during regular office hours to confirm the correct payment amount.
If you are making a payment due to being disconnected, you must contact City Hall at 712-943-4244 during regular office hours to inform them of the submitted payment in order to be reconnected. Payments made outside of regular office hours will not be reconnected until the next office business day.
By registering for our payment service, you can:
- Pay by checking/ savings/ credit card
- Checking/Savings are free.
- Credit/Debit include a 3.0% fee.
- Pay by PayPal / PayPal Credit / Venmo
- PayPal brands include a 3.0% fee.
- Make payments in 3, quick steps
- View electronic payment history
- View eBills
- View balance due
- Manage multiple billing accounts
- Set up Auto-Pay, recurring payments
- Save payment methods
- And more